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Along with a selection of new Yamaha grand pianos, you will find pre-owned brands such as Young Chang, Weber, Hailun, Pearl River, Baldwin, Hallet Davis, Samick and Kohler & Campbell grands at about half the price as the new models. Our customers trust us to deliver pianos that will last which is why we go through a 32 point inspection which includes action regulation, buffing the cabinet, tuning (including after delivery tunings in the home) and white glove free delivery.
There are more Yamaha grands on stage than every other manufacturer combined, it's the most recorded piano of all time, they last longer, stay in tune better, and offer more value for your money than any other piano on the market. We encourage customers to increase their budget to buy a new Yamaha grand piano or get a pre-owned budget piano for half the price as a new one. Visit our showroom and test drive a new Yamaha grand for yourself. Bring a piano player with you.